タグ別アーカイブ: LC

【マシンギャラリー】俺のホライゾン⑧/[Mini4WD Gallery]My Horizon⑧


I started making it in June and it’s finally done.

ダッシュ0号 ホライゾン!!
Dash 0 Horizon!ホライゾン02シャーシはやっぱりタイプ1。
After all, I chose the type 1 chassis as the chassis.

The original “Horizon” is a kit that takes the first “Zero chassis” that is also the base of the chassis used in today’s racing scene.

タミヤ ホライゾン (レーサーミニ四駆:18030)

1990年のミニ四駆公式大会1990 グレートジャパンカップ会場で先行販売されました。僕が初めて参加したミニ四駆公式大会です。町内の友人らに頼まれて、自分の分も含め大会当日は5台のホライゾンを買って帰りました。当時のキット定価は¥600。消費税は3%の時代。合計¥3,090を払って購入したのを覚えています。
It was pre-sold at the 1990 Mini 4WD Official race 1990 Great Japan Cup venue. It’s the first mini 4WD official race that I took part. I was asked by my friends, I bought five Horizons including mine and went home at the day. The kit price at that time was ¥600. The consumption tax used to be 3%. I remember buying for a total of ¥3,090.

With the invitation card to the tournament at that time.ホライゾンと1990GJC招待状このネタは何度か取り上げてますね。
I have taken up this story several times in this blog.

As I confirmed, the date of the Kitakyushu tournament I took part in was August 23, 1990, exactly 30 years ago.

続きを読む 【マシンギャラリー】俺のホライゾン⑧/[Mini4WD Gallery]My Horizon⑧