Maker Faire Kyoto 2023が開催されている”けいはんなオープンイノベーションセンター”でのストリートミニ四駆イベントに参加。
I took part in in Street Mini 4WD event at the “Keihanna Open Innovation Center” where Maker Faire Kyoto 2023 is being held.
I entered the first race. It’s a race of five.
My Mini 4WD is a Type 3 chassis Burning Sun. Motor is Stock one, gear is speed(6.4:1). Replaced one battery with a dummy.
The result is 120.8 seconds. It was too late. The course is a 100m uphill winding road. If you do not pay attention to the handling of the Mini 4WD car, it will bounce immediately.

The result of the second race was 1st place. 52.2 seconds. Changed from 1 to 2 batteries.

3回目のレース結果は46.7秒で1位。電池2本でボディーはゲキ重のバーニングサンからファイヤードラゴン のクリヤーボディーへ変更。重い道着を脱いだ悟空やピッコロの気分です。タイムも良くなりました。
The result of the 3d race was 46.7 seconds, placing first. With 2 batteries, the body changes from super heavy “Burning Sun” to “Fire Dragon’s clear body”. I feel like Goku and Piccolo who took off their heavy uniforms in Dragon Ball. Recording time has also been shortened.

4回目のレース。とっておきの新車”VZシャーシ仕様 皇帝(エンペラー )”を投入。当日初の5:1ギヤで出走するも、タイプ3シャーシに比べ、最低地上高が低いためバンパー底部が登り坂コースにガリガリ当たってマシンが跳ねまくりです。バウンスしまくりでタイムも遅くなりました。
4th race. Introducing the special new car “VZ Chassis Specification Emperor”. Even though it started in 5:1 gear for the first time on the day, the ground clearance is lower than the Type 3 chassis, so the bottom of the bumper hit the uphill course and the Mini 4WD bounced. It kept bouncing and my record time got longer.

5th race. Changed to type 3 chassis. The gear ratio is also changed from 6.4:1 speed gear to 5:1 high speed gear.
The result is a sequence of “4” in 44.4 seconds! It was the first record of the day. Participant “RR Yoshida” gave me a part as a prize to commemorate the “44” row. Thank you!

6th race. The tire came off and lost time. No shortest record. It’s a pity that I could have shortened the time a little more. Adhesion of the tire to the wheel with double-sided tape is essential.
Finally, a 50m race was held for those who wanted to.
There was also an interview with the cable TV station KCN Kyoto.
Parents and children passing by were very interested in the street mini 4WD. I’m very happy to see the children having fun. They were so cute. If there is another event, I would like to take part in again. Thank you very much.