12月に渋谷で開催されたFAB RACERS CUP 2018に参加しました。
I participated in FAB RACERS CUP 2018 held in Shibuya in December.
“FAB RACERS CUP 2018″とは!?
What’s “FAB RACERS CUP 2018”?
最速を自分の手で作り出そう!FAB RACERS CUPは自由な発想で作り上げたオリジナルカーやカスタマイズしたミニ四駆で技術とスピードを競うレースです。クリエイティブ コミュニケーター / デザイナー根津孝太さん(znug design)、ハイパーデザイナーのやまざきたかゆきさん(pdc_designworks)、ミニ四駆大好きなメンバー達、そして今年はTinyWhoopコミュニティのWednesday Tiny Whooper(WTW)の皆さんの全面協力いただき年に1回開催しています。ー大会サイトよりー
Let’s make the fastest with your own hands! FAB RACERS CUP is a race that competes in technology and speed with original cars created with free thought and customized mini 4WD. With Creative Communicator / Designer Kota Nezu (znug design), Hyper Designer Takayuki Yamazaki (pdc_designworks), Mini 4WD Favorite Members, and this year TinyWhoop Community’s Wednesday Tiny Whooper (WTW) We hold it once a year. -from official site–

I participated in the exhibition match before the race with an invitation from the organizer.
We devided into two teams of three people, it was relay type race, Drone → Hovercraft → Mini 4WD.
The state of the race will be broadcast live from the first floor to the upper floor of the building.
I was in charge of hovercraft part.
I put a lot of power to practice.
I put too much power and exhausted the battery too much on the practice, so the hovercraft did not move at all in the race. Woops!
I hope you’ll guess the race result.
It was fun.

It was a fun competition that was wrapped in laugh and a serious game atmosphere with such a extreme race cars and fun cars .
I’ll participate the race next year, again.