福岡県宗像市の離島、大島にある日本一行きにくいお店「OMISEYA SUN」へ。
Arrived at OMISEYA SUN, the most difficult-to-reach shop in Japan, located on Oshima, a remote island in Munakata City, Fukuoka Prefecture.
Big size Tamiya logo sticker
Pre-release sample kit on display
Jun Watanabe autograph is written on the cover!
Clothing areaクウ・リキさんとは行きのバスも船も一緒でした。この日は大島に宿泊して翌日は鹿児島のミニ四駆大会の取材だそうです。
I was on the same bus and boat with Ku-Riki and his staff. On this day, they stayed in Oshima and the next day they were going to cover a Mini 4WD tournament in Kagoshima.
Accessories and goods by designers who are acquaintances of Mr.Yamazaki.
Popular brand “EVILWIRE” products.
A luxury circuit is also set on the second floor.これからどんどん拡張していくそうです。子供達が自分のマシンがかっとぶ姿を見て喜ぶのはストレートだ!ということでストレートセクションを多めにする予定とのこと。
It seems that the total length of this circuit will continue to expand in the future. It’s obvious that children will be happy to see their Mini 4WD cars do well! That’s why they plan to have more straight sections.
I took a photo with the racer who happened to be there and lined up Mini 4WD cars.
On the rooftop, you can also drive RC cars that are rented from the shop.雑誌や新聞の取材を受けるやまざきさん。私もインタビューを受けました。
Mr. Yamazaki is interviewed by magazines and newspapers. I was also interviewed.
I bought a lot!
九州は福岡、しかもその離島でタミヤ製品のみならずBLOCKHEAD MOTORSを始め人気ブランド製品が一堂に会する驚きのセレクトショップ。地域の活性化にもつながるワクワクする試みです。ちなみに現在タミヤ公式ミニ四駆ショップ「ミニ四駆ステーション」として申請中だそうで、そのうちここでチケット戦が開催されるかも。やまざきさん曰く今後もレア商品や限定商品などを並べる予定とのこと。
Located in Fukuoka, Kyushu, and on a remote island, this is an amazing select shop that not only sells Tamiya products, but also sells popular brand products such as BLOCKHEAD MOTORS and so on. This is an exciting endeavor that will also lead to regional revitalization. By the way, they are currently applying to become Tamiya’s official Mini 4WD shop “Mini 4WD Station”, and a ticket competition may be held here someday. Mr. Yamazaki says that he plans to continue displaying rare and limited edition items in the future.
I’ll come visit again.