Survival bagx3

「LIFE PACKING 2020」から③/From “LIFE PACKING 2020″③

(English follows Japanese)

今回も「LIFE PACKING 2020」に掲載されていたモノを購入し紹介。


はい。こちらは昨年末のTHIS IS NOT A STOREでの緊急再販で申し込みをして、まだ手元に届くどころか測定にも行っておりません。のっけから失礼しました。


PRINIA SMILE/PanasonicPRINIA SMILE歯科専売の音波振動歯ブラシ。
「LIFE PACKING 2020」掲載品の写真はネックの形状から見て前モデルのPRINIA Smartのようです。






「LIFE PACKING 2020」掲載の16インチM1チップ搭載機ではないですが愛用のMacを紹介。13インチ MacBook Pro昨夏購入の13 インチ。

2台持ちで普段は1台をAppleのシネマディスプレイ(27インチ)に繋げています。13インチ MacBook Prox2上記MacBook Proに加え、仕事ではThinkPadを2台使っており、1台はMac同様外付けディスプレイに接続しているので現在机の上が大変狭くなっております。数を減らそう。

ハナノアb シャワータイプ/小林製薬ハナノアb シャワータイプ鼻うがいとはなんぞや!?






GREAT PLAINS bentonite Detox/Yerba Prima®️
Pure Chlorella/ロゴスコーポレーションデトックスセットここ1年ほどカビ毒デトックスのためにベントナイト鉱床の泥「GREAT PLAINS」と八重山クロレラ粒を飲んでいます。
「LIFE PACKING 2020」に掲載されている「八重山クロレラ」は同じ容器ですが、石垣島でのみ購入可能ということなので、MADE IN OKINAWAの別製品を購入。

上記に加え「LIFE PACKING 2020」には「S-Acetyl Glutathione」というサプリメントが記載されているので今度試してみようと思います。


ネオVQS アドバンスパック組み立て進捗。
ネオVQS アドバンスパックボディーが載った!


ジーシー プリニア スマイル (MI-0004) 音波振動歯ブラシ×1台

ハナノア 痛くない鼻うがい 専用洗浄液 たっぷり500ml(鼻洗浄器具なし)

Yerba Prima – グレイト プレーンズ ベントナイト デトックス – 32oz

八重山クロレラ【ミニボトル300粒入】無添加 100% ヤエヤマクロレラ [ ピュアクロレラ]

From “LIFE PACKING 2020″③

This time as well, I’ll introduce the products I bought from those listed in “LIFE PACKING 2020”.

*No picture available now

Yes. I applied for this backpack at the end of last year at “THIS IS NOT A STORE”, and I haven’t even received it yet, and I haven’t done any physical measurements for making it.

This backpack is a special series in which after purchasing online, the shoulders are measured at a certain place in Tokyo and handmade according to each person’s body.

PRINIA SMILE/PanasonicPRINIA SMILESonic vibration toothbrush sold only in dentistry.
Judging from the shape of the neck, the photo of the product published in “LIFE PACKING 2020” looks like the previous model PRINIA Smart.

The instruction manual also stated that I would get used to it soon, but at first I felt this sonic vibration tickled.

The size of the brush is small to fit the Japanese mouth and it is easy to use, and since I originally used Doltz and Tuft brushes, I was able to switch to this toothbrush without any discomfort.

This photo is a tuft brush with mountain-shape bristles. The head is small and a bundle of brushes is gathered together.タフトブラシ

It has a function to pause once every 30 seconds and start moving again, which is very convenient as a guide for polishing time. Even after plaque check after brushing my teeth, there was almost no unpolished residue. I’ll use this toothbrush for a while.


Introducing my favorite Mac, although it is not a machine equipped with the 16-inch M1 chip published in “LIFE PACKING 2020”.
13インチ MacBook ProA 13-inch Macbook pro bought last summer.

I have two Macbook pro and usually connect one to Apple Cinema Display (27 inch).
13インチ MacBook Prox2In addition to the above MacBook Pro, I use two ThinkPad at work, and one is connected to an external display like a Mac, so the desk is currently very small. I want to reduce the number of PC.

Hananoa Shower Painless Nose Gargle Easy-to-Use Nasal Cleanser/Kobayashi Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.ハナノアb シャワータイプ

What is nasal irrigation!?

Put the special cleaning solution in this sauce dispenser or a container like Ichijiku enema, stab it into the nose hole and push it out tightly to clean the inside of the nose.

According to the manufacturer’s site, this will thoroughly wash away pollen, house dust, germs, etc.

In addition, Mr.Takashiro says that if the virus attached to the nasopharynx is washed away before it propagates, it will not become serious.

At first I tried terrifyingly.
I laughed at the large amount of cleaning solution coming out of the nose hole opposite to the one in which the container was inserted during use.
Moreover, it seems that this is a component close to body fluid, so it does not stain at all and there is no pain.In the old days, when I did it with just water, it got soaked in my nose, but compared to that, it became very comfortable to use.

There are regular type and cool type cleaning liquids, and I enjoy it. This will make me healthier!!

Detox set
GREAT PLAINS bentonite Detox/Yerba Prima®️
Pure Chlorella/LogosデトックスセットFor the past year or so, I have been drinking the mud “GREAT PLAINS” from the bentonite deposit and Yaeyama chlorella grains for mold poison detoxification.
The “Yaeyama Chlorella” listed in “LIFE PACKING 2020” is the same container, but it can only be purchased on Ishigaki Island, so I bought another product of “MADE IN OKINAWA”.
This had the effect of partially losing weight to me.
Regarding chlorella, I have tried the products of 5 companies so far, but the difference in effect is not clear. The appearance is almost the same, and I think they all worked well.

In addition to the above, “LIFE PACKING 2020” mentions a supplement called “S-Acetyl Glutathione”, so I’ll try it next time.

This year, I’ll be healthier and work hard on Street Mini 4WD and Mini 4WD Sport.

Neo VQS Advanced Pack assembly progress.
ネオVQS アドバンスパックI put the body on it!


ジーシー プリニア スマイル (MI-0004) 音波振動歯ブラシ×1台

ハナノア 痛くない鼻うがい 専用洗浄液 たっぷり500ml(鼻洗浄器具なし)

Yerba Prima – グレイト プレーンズ ベントナイト デトックス – 32oz

八重山クロレラ【ミニボトル300粒入】無添加 100% ヤエヤマクロレラ [ ピュアクロレラ]


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