「LIFE PACKING 2020 未来を生きるためのモノと知恵 」(NEXTRAVELER BOOKS)
I have been reading Tsuyoshi Takashiro’s new book “LIFE PACKING 2020: Things and Wisdom for Living in the Future” (NEXT RAVELER BOOKS) released on December 4th.
2012年版、2016年版に続く「LIFE PACKING」シリーズの待ちに待った第3弾。
The long-awaited third installment of the “LIFE PACKING” series following the 2012 and 2016 editions.
This is a series in which he quit having “things”, quit “Tokyo”, returned to the wanderer, and at the same time reduced his belongings to the utmost limit and introduces them.
What’s interesting is what is introduced and his stories that use it.
Introductory texts written by Mr. Takashiro are posted along with photos of things, tools, and items on each page spread.
In this book, his items necessary for daily life have been greatly reduced to fit in one carry case and a small backpack.
And this time, as the phrase “Reduce luggage and fat and survive the survival era” is mentioned in the obi of the book, the focus is on things for maintaining and improving health.
また、「メイカーズ」ムーブメントを反映し、高城さん自身がとても拘って作っているアパレル「NEXTRAVELER TOOLS」の服や鞄も掲載されています。いくつかは僕も使っているモノなので当ブログで追々紹介予定。
In addition, the clothes and bags of the apparel “NEXT RAVELER TOOLS” that Mr. Takashiro himself is very particular about, reflecting the “Makers” movement, are also posted. Some of them are also used by me, so I will introduce them later on this blog.
Of course, what is introduced in this book is a methodology established by Mr. Takashiro. It is a very useful book not only to imitate them, but also to arrange the good points in my own way and to interact with them as a source of learning.
早速この本に掲載されているモノをいくつか購入し自分で使ってみたので、NEXTRAVERER TOOLSと同様に当ブログで紹介して行こうと思います。
I bought some of the items in this book and tried using them myself, so I’ll introduce them on this blog as well as posting about NEXTRAVERER TOOLS.
By the way, I’m a big fan of Mr. Takashiro, and I have all his books in paper and electronic version. Health is essential for Mini 4WD!
With reference to this book, I will try to survive the “survival era by reducing luggage and fat” other than Mini 4WD.
It was a night when I thought about my health while watching the full moon at the end of the year.
* Full moon on December 30, 2020