I started making it in June and it’s finally done.
ダッシュ0号 ホライゾン!!
Dash 0 Horizon!シャーシはやっぱりタイプ1。
After all, I chose the type 1 chassis as the chassis.
The original “Horizon” is a kit that takes the first “Zero chassis” that is also the base of the chassis used in today’s racing scene.
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1990年のミニ四駆公式大会1990 グレートジャパンカップ会場で先行販売されました。僕が初めて参加したミニ四駆公式大会です。町内の友人らに頼まれて、自分の分も含め大会当日は5台のホライゾンを買って帰りました。当時のキット定価は¥600。消費税は3%の時代。合計¥3,090を払って購入したのを覚えています。
It was pre-sold at the 1990 Mini 4WD Official race 1990 Great Japan Cup venue. It’s the first mini 4WD official race that I took part. I was asked by my friends, I bought five Horizons including mine and went home at the day. The kit price at that time was ¥600. The consumption tax used to be 3%. I remember buying for a total of ¥3,090.
With the invitation card to the tournament at that time.このネタは何度か取り上げてますね。
I have taken up this story several times in this blog.
As I confirmed, the date of the Kitakyushu tournament I took part in was August 23, 1990, exactly 30 years ago.
Now let’s return to the main subject. “Dash! Yonkuro” type buggy bumper “BEN-PER” for the front bumper.
The window part of the normal body has an impression that it is totally lumpy, so this time it is Horizon and Emperor bodies are combined to make it sharper.
As for the rear side, more exhaust pipes are added as in the original. Achieved a little over 1 mm low down by packing the body catch part.
そのためダンパー部分が置いてけぼりで位置がずれています。Therefore, the damper part is placed and slipped out of position.
Equipped with lights as like the Dash Machines.
And this is the Horizon!
Write as “LC” and read it as “Laser Control”!!
「スーパーアタックランディング!」(ホライゾンだけど🤖)Laser control experiment. “Super attack landing!”#mini4wd #horizon pic.twitter.com/GBm1Nuqp3V
— よわたりよしお (@kaz_mini4wd) August 22, 2020
just kidding. I used “Mabeee”.
正直加工も塗装もダルダルな仕上がりですがご愛敬。次に期待。Honestly, this is a finish that has a rugged finish in terms of processing accuracy and painting, but please be respected. Expect next. I look forward to my next work.
Here are a few memories about “Horizon”.
That was in 1990. When I was an elementary school student, I used to play Mini 4WD with my friends in the garden of my house and run it on the circuit as usual.
My friend “S”, whose car at that time was a horizon.
My friends who saw his Horizon asked S at the same time.
“Who’s this (Mini 4WD car) ?”
“What’s the name of this Mini 4WD?”
S who panicked there shouted
I remember everyone laughing and laughing.
✳︎ In Japanese, “Oreno” means “my” or “mine”.
Yes, this series of entry names “My Horizon” come from this story.
そう言えば、現行唯一ホライゾンのボディーが買えるキット「ホライゾン プレミアム」は今年カタログ落ちしたので、購入は市場在庫のみ可能となっています。
Speaking of which, the only kit currently available to buy Horizon bodies, “Horizon Premium,” has fallen out of the catalog this year, so you can only buy it on the market.
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タミヤ レーサーミニ四駆シリーズ No.73 ダッシュ 0号 ホライゾン プレミアム (スーパーIIシャーシ) 18073 |
If you like Horizon and don’t have it yet, I recommend that you purchase it as soon as you find it.
I think of that summer at this time.
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